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08 Jul 2012, 13:18
FinderPop 2.4.4
FinderPop 2.4.4 (tagged "Tunguska") is now available.

This version is now the official version.

  • If FinderPop's Use Finder Label Colors is enabled on 10.6/7/8, we now treat unlabelled items in FP menus in the Finder as if they had an invisible label, so the FinderPop menu item texts all start at the same horizontal offset. If you prefer the old way of showing labels, use
    defaults write com.finderpop.finderpop cocoaLabelSpaces false
    I will eventually get around to revamping the way FinderPop does menu labels in Cocoa, it's definitely an ugly bodge at the moment :oops:

    Previous fixes:
    • Any item ending in '---R' will have a submenu listing the Finder's Recent Folders hanging off it. For example, having an item named 'Finder Recent---R' will result in a FinderPop menu item named 'Finder Recent' whose submenu lists the accessible items in the Finder Go menu's Recent Folders submenu.
    • Fix bug where labelled non-folder items would not be opened if chosen from a FinderPop menu if FinderPop's "Use Finder Label Colours" was enabled
    • Increase max font size in FP menus to 32 points
    • Sundry minor fixes
    • Fix bug where FinderPop would silently stop making its menus when it came across an unresolvable alias while iterating through the contents of a folder. Also improve handling of unresolvable aliases if one is actually selected from an FP menu (the alias will be shown and selected in Finder.)
    • Choosing an AppleScript .scpt file from a FinderPop menu will now result in the script file being passed whatever you control-clicked in the Finder. (The AppleScript script file should use an "on run argv ... end run" handler to see the arg list.) If you prefer the old method of dealing with .scpt Script files:
      defaults write com.finderpop.finderpop useOSADoScriptFile -bool true
    • Restore Drive Genius to the list of apps we shouldn't patch
    • Fixed a couple of installation issues
    • Improve click-in-unused-menubar stuff for Carbon apps
    • First cut at getting unused-menubar-click working in Lion's Sandboxed apps (eg TextEdit, Preview).
      This is EXPERIMENTAL and can be disabled by:
      defaults write com.finderpop.finderpop pollSandboxedApps -bool false
      • Note: for FinderPop to patch Sandboxed apps, the FinderPop prefPane needs to be installed for all users, not just you.
        If your FinderPop is installed for just you, you can uninstall it and then reinstall it for all users by - close System Preferences, open it again, right-click on FinderPop's icon in System Preferences, choose 'Remove' or 'Uninstall', then close System Preferences. Back in the Finder, double-click the FinderPop.prefPane you've just downloaded, which will open System Preferences, which will ask you whether you want to install FinderPop for all users, or just you. Choose 'All Users' and continue as usual.
        The technical reason for this is that Sandboxed apps have read access to /System/Library but no access at all to /Users/your-name-here/Library. When FinderPop is installed for all users, it's put in /System/Library/PreferencePanes, a location which is accessible.
    • Fix an issue patching 32-bit applications on 10.7 Lion
    • Tweak Lion control-free popup code
    • New, improved Lion "unused menubar" stuff backported to 10.5/10.6

What remains to be done:
* Contextual Menu Support in apps other than the Finder on Snow Leopard and Lion
* Fix previews on Lion and above

If you're installing this over a previous beta, you'll have to restart or logout/login for it to take effect.

As usual, if there are any issues with this, reply here in the forum!
A. H.
10 Jul 2012, 01:44
Re: FinderPop 2.4.4 beta
Hi, Turly. =) Thanks a lot for reacting to viewtopic.php?f=3&t=208&start=0#p904 etc.

turly wrote:If FinderPop's Use Finder Label Colors is enabled on 10.6/7/8, we now treat unlabelled items in FP menus in the Finder as if they had an invisible label, so the FinderPop menu item texts all start at the same horizontal offset.

Only on 10.6 or higher? My PPC/G5 can run 10.5 maximally.

To install 2.4.4b, I doubleclicked it while the SysPrefApp was closed (not running), then I logged out and in again, but:

In my 10.5.8, the labelled and unlabelled FP 2.4.4b menu item texts do still not start at the same horizontal offset — see attachment picture.
labelled and unlabelled FP 2.4.4b menu item texts do not start at the same horizontal offset in OSX.5.8
2012'0710'0138'37'1.png (39.27 KiB) Viewed 11018 times
A. H.
Posts: 33
Joined: 01 Nov 2009, 02:25

Re: FinderPop 2.4.4 beta

Postby turly » 10 Jul 2012, 11:09

Yes, on 10.6 and above only.
I no longer have a Mac capable of running 10.4/10.5 so I'm a bit leery of touching that Carbon menu labelling code ...
26 Jul 2012, 09:26
Re: FinderPop 2.4.4 beta
Dear Turly, look forward for commentary on Mountain Lion.

I am NOT upgrading until FinderPop works! :-)

All the best...
26 Jul 2012, 10:07
Re: FinderPop 2.4.4 beta
using FP2.4.4 here with ML without errors..
26 Jul 2012, 10:41
Re: FinderPop 2.4.4 beta
AFAIK FP 2.4.4 works fine on Mountain Lion. It certainly was working on the last-but-one developer preview and I doubt they've changed anything since.

I'm away from my Mac this week - Jeez, I really need to get a MacBook of some description - but will confirm this when I get around to installing the official ML next week.

(Edit - thanks Rene... anyone else running FP on ML? Is it OK?)
26 Jul 2012, 11:01
Re: FinderPop 2.4.4 beta
Yep, works fine on ML. :)
27 Jul 2012, 13:32
Re: FinderPop 2.4.4 beta
Great news, Turly et al

I will upgrade to 2.4.4 today before I buy ML then.

Thank you guys!
28 Jul 2012, 11:53
Re: FinderPop 2.4.4
Just made 2.4.4 the official version and updated the page.

The new Apple Store has opened today in Barcelona, must toddle along to take a look... it'll probably be full of guiris like me, though :-D
29 Jul 2012, 11:41
Re: FinderPop 2.4.4
Works fine for me on ML. Thanks turly! Some things don't! :D
08 Aug 2012, 16:09
Re: FinderPop 2.4.4
I'm currently using FP 2.4.1 and have passed on the beta versions since I'm still on Snow Leopard 10.6.8.

My restart has just given me a FP notice (which won't copy) and a button to click.

Screen shot 2012-08-08 at 17.01.49.png
New version notice
Screen shot 2012-08-08 at 17.01.49.png (24.88 KiB) Viewed 6463 times

So I clicked on it and it gives the error message - Information // The forum you selected does not exist.

Screen shot 2012-08-08 at 17.04.12.png
Forum error notice...
Screen shot 2012-08-08 at 17.04.12.png (86.59 KiB) Viewed 6463 times

But I was actually planning to install the latest version...

So I'll dig around to find how to do this.

warm regards,
08 Aug 2012, 17:27
Re: FinderPop 2.4.4
Whoops, looks like I screwed something up. It shouldn't say "beta".

In any event, pick up the latest FP at (or here at viewforum.php?f=3 .)
A. H.
21 Sep 2012, 19:09
Re: FinderPop 2.4.4
Now my Mac is an iMac27" with OSX.8.2, so I found that ToggleFileExtensionfsel-!!! is not intel:
Bildschirmfoto 2012-09-21 um 20.06.12.png
Bildschirmfoto 2012-09-21 um 20.06.12.png (31.01 KiB) Viewed 6376 times
A. H.
Posts: 33
Joined: 01 Nov 2009, 02:25

Re: FinderPop 2.4.4

Postby RonaldPR » 21 Sep 2012, 21:18

Launch AppleScript Editor. Open the script from the File menu. Do "Save as" (from File menu with option key pressed or hit option-shift-command-S) and save as application. It will be saved as Intel application.
A. H.
21 Sep 2012, 21:29
Re: FinderPop 2.4.4
Yo, I just wanted to let Turly know so that he'll distribute correct UB/intel files in future versions for millions of people.
22 Sep 2012, 07:17
Re: FinderPop 2.4.4
Thanks lads, will fix for next release (not this weekend as we're off to sunny Tossa de Mar, but soon!)
A. H.
24 Sep 2012, 14:17
Re: FinderPop 2.4.4
Thank you, Turly, enjoy the last days of summer! :D

Under "Sys. > FinderPop > Erscheinungsbild > Dieselben Dateinamen wie im Finder verwenden" the German sentence "Diese Funktion [...]" is truncated. Where's the complete sentence? (If the translation is too long, I could help you with a shorter one; just give me the English sentence.)
Bildschirmfoto 2012-09-24 um 15.03.13.png
Bildschirmfoto 2012-09-24 um 15.03.13.png (21.04 KiB) Viewed 6344 times
A. H.
Posts: 33
Joined: 01 Nov 2009, 02:25

Labels in FinderPop 2.4.4

Postby A. H. » 24 Sep 2012, 15:58

There's still something wrong with label positioning in FP2.4.4, OSX.8.2:

If you folder-click a folder's content, the x-position is correct, but the y-position is 1px above normal (pic.1).
1.png (63.82 KiB) Viewed 6342 times

If you browse through directories, the y-position is correct, but the x-position is 8px right from normal (pic.2).
2.png (85.14 KiB) Viewed 6342 times
24 Sep 2012, 21:14
Re: FinderPop 2.4.4
A. H. wrote:(If the translation is too long, I could help you with a shorter one; just give me the English sentence.)

Menus will use localised names instead of disk names. Note that this may slow FP.
A. H.
24 Sep 2012, 15:58
Labels in FinderPop 2.4.4
There's still something wrong with label positioning in FP2.4.4, OSX.8.2:

If you folder-click a folder's content, the x-position is correct, but the y-position is 1px above normal (pic.1).
1.png (63.82 KiB) Viewed 6342 times

If you browse through directories, the y-position is correct, but the x-position is 8px right from normal (pic.2).
2.png (85.14 KiB) Viewed 6342 times
25 Sep 2012, 07:56
Re: FinderPop 2.4.4
I'll have a look, I'm pretty sure that the truncated German string is my fault for not making the string's bounding box (enclosing rectangle) wide enough.
I should really get rid of the bit about it slowing FP, that was written back in the day when I had a 500MHz PowerPC :-/
A. H.
25 Sep 2012, 15:04
Re: FinderPop 2.4.4
Thanks, Ronald and Turly. A shorter translation would be:

»Dies zeigt lokalisierte Namen anstelle der englischen (kann FP verlangsamen).«

Maybe it's time for intel-only development; older FP versions are good enough for PPCs.