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Who What
31 Dec 2010, 18:45
Re: Can´t invoke on 10.6.3
I’m having the problem with the Finder slowness.

I think it may be the number of files, not the Applications folder. My Applications folder is not a problem, but I don’t have any apps in my Applications folder, they are all in sub-folders. I do have a problem with my Components (Audio Units) folder, which has 442 items right now. I get a pause between 2 and 10 seconds when resizing the Finder window or selecting an item in the window. I see no CPU spikes or messages, but there is a disk read the entire time of the pause, with a disk write right when it clears up.

I tried turning all my services off in the keyboard system preferences, but it made no difference. I just figured out the new Snow Leopard services techniques. At first I deleted some older services from the Services folders and I thought it fixed the problem. It seemed to be working fine, but the next day it was back. I’m not sure if I restarted or did anything different during that time, I thought it was fixed so I wasn’t paying attention.

I was excited to find FinderPop, I used it a lot in OS9 and didn’t know it was still around.
